
注 記
- 減薬プロセスに入る前に、長時間作用型のベンゾジアゼピンに切り替える必要はないか確認する。
- ほかのベンゾジアゼピンに切り替える場合は等価用量が重要(マニュアル内の等価換算表か、医師が用いる等価換算表を参照)。
- 抗うつ薬が併用して処方されている場合、離脱中に生じる抑うつを防ぐためには、ベンゾジアゼピンから減薬を始める。
- あなた(患者)自身が減薬をコントロールし、あなた自身のペースで減薬できる環境が必要。
- 医師による定期的な経過観察が必要。
- 個人的な要因が離脱に影響を与えることがあるため、それに対応できること(マニュアルで示した離脱スケジュールはあくまで基本的なもので、個人差など個々の状況や必要性に応じて作り変えることが必要)。
- アシュトンマニュアルを通読する(2~3回)
- ベンゾジアゼピン依存症や離脱症状または長期離脱症候群について十分知識のある医師を捜す。
- アシュトンマニュアルを読んで、ベンゾジアゼピン、そして、離脱の最善方法や長期離脱症状を緩和する為にはどうしたら良いかをあなたと一緒に学び、考えてくれる協力的な医師を捜す。
- ベンゾジアゼピン依存症、離脱、長期離脱症候群に関して十分な知識があるスタッフがいるような、一般の薬物依存症施設または薬物依存症リハビリ施設を捜す。
- ソーシャルメディアを通じて、あなたの悩み、経過、情報を同じ様な状況にいる人たちと交換する。(下記参照)
Unfortunately withdrawal is part and parcel of dependency. In order to avoid having to endure the pain of withdrawal reactions, it is recommended that these drugs should not be prescribed for any more than 2~4 weeks. However, due to the fact there are countless numbers of ignorant / ill-informed doctors overprescribing these drugs, many people end up having to endure withdrawal which can be an extremely horrible and debilitating experience.
Under a controlled and slow reduction, withdrawal symptoms can be minimized; however, I think it can be difficult to avoid withdrawal symptoms, especially in cases where withdrawal symptoms were already appearing during the treatment, before any dosage reductions were made, due to tolerance and lost drug effect. This is what happened in my case and I found any reduction was creating further withdrawal reactions. Therefore, slow is best allowing the body sufficient time to make the necessary adjustments when readapting itself to a drug free state.
If you are having difficulty understanding what is happening and why, and/or if you are having difficulty coping with acute withdrawal symptoms, you can refer to Chapter III (Part 1) of The Ashton Manual.
NB: As benzodiazepines work directly on the CNS, they can cause all manner of symptoms from the totally unexpected through to the seemingly bizarre. The link above shows a list of some of the more common ones. For a more comprehensive list of withdrawal symptoms, please see the Benzodiazepines Symptoms Index at benzo.org.uk
Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms can continue for a quite some time after stopping. If you have come off the drugs already and are finding it difficult to cope with ongoing withdrawal symptoms, once again, you can refer to Chapter III (Part 1) of The Ashton Manual.
If you are thinking about whether or not to up-dose or reinstate your drug intake to help alleviate the symptoms, you may like to consider this section of The Ashton Manual Supplement.
Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms can continue for many months and many years after stopping.
You needn’t feel like you’re alone. It happens to many people, and indeed it happened to me. Although many of my symptoms disappeared within the first year of stopping, some took several years to recover from and it was at least 10 years until I really started to feel myself again.
Considering there are millions of dependency cases all over the world, this equates to a great number of people indeed.
Consider this statement from Prof. Lader:
「ベンゾジアゼピンの場合、一部の患者は、長期に及ぶ離脱に移行することである。私のもとには、離脱症状は2年以上も続くことがあると訴える人たちから手紙が届く。いくつかのトランキライザー自助グループには、断薬後10年経過しても依然として離脱が続いている人たちを記録していることもある。」 ――― マルコム・レイダー教授(BBC Radio 4, Face the Facts, 1999 年3月16日)
If you are concerned about withdrawal symptoms that just never seem to go away month after month, even year after year, you can refer to Chapter III (Part 2) of The Ashton Manual.
There appears to be no shortage of people experiencing what can only be described as possible permanent damage as well. I also have a few ailments that I will never recover from. As with any long term or seemingly permanent damage complaints, sometimes it may just be a case of learning to live with it.
Consider this extract from Ray Nimmo’s story (Founder of benzo.org.uk)
“After the first two years off the drugs, most of the above-mentioned symptoms had resolved. However, a number of problems, including constant bilateral tinnitus, paraesthesiae, muscular spasms, fasciculations, headaches and intermittent jaw and facial pain have persisted. After fourteen years, I suspect that these are permanent.”
If you are concerned about permanent damage, you can refer to The Ashton Manual Supplement.
Many people have asked me what I did for my recovery. I had to point out that recovery, much like withdrawal, is different for everyone and that it is important to find what works best for us as individuals.
For me exercise played a massive part, as did being proactive in my own recovery.
I am also a strong believer in regularity; that is a regular diet of healthy food, regular exercise, and regular sleep times (as much as possible). Our bodies have a natural rhythm that works in tandem with nature, the days, nights, moons, tides, menstrual cycles etc – it all has a natural rhythm and benzos destroy that rhythm.
So, I believe getting regularity and “balance” back into your life can go a long way towards helping your body reset itself back to some degree of normality, but this all takes time of course...
I think yoga, Tai Chi, etc. can be very beneficial. Also, joining some kind of group where you can have social contact and try to contribute / participate in something positive can be beneficial. I found walks in nature and growing vegetables in the garden to also have a therapeutic effect.
During the early stages, I know that almost anything can seem like a daunting challenge, so I think it is good to set little mini goals day by day.
One last important thing I learnt was “Don’t focus on what you can’t do – focus on what you can do”.
You can find some advice on coping etc. in Chapter III (Part 1) of The Ashton Manual.
- Benzodiazepine Recovery
- Beating Benzos
- Withdrawal (Benzo) Withdrawal Support Group
- Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
- Benzodiazepine tapering, withdrawal and recovery support group
- Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome from Benzodiazepines and Anti Depressants
- Benzodiazepine and Psych Drug Withdrawal Christian Support
- Friends and Family of Benzodiazepine (Benzo) Sufferers
- V.A.B. (Veterans Against Benzodiazepines)
- Benzodiazepine DANGERS
- Benzodiazepine Addiction and Awareness
- Benzodiazepine Awareness & Legal Action
- Friends Attending World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day
Information Sharing / Support
This is an incredibly informative and useful website where people can exchange valuable information, stories etc.
For those of you who would like to seek compensation for your losses and suffering (caused by the system that has failed you) the following materials related to my own case may be of interest.
No doubt every case is different and you will need to consult a lawyer; preferably one who understands the nature of benzodiazepine dependency. Please note this website does not serve as any type of legal advice (See Disclaimer).
注 意
- 当サイトで示されたいかなるアドバイスも、ベンゾジアゼピン中毒および離脱に精通した医師が提供するアドバイスの代わりとすべきではありません。
- したがって、ここに示された情報の使い方については、常にあなた自身の責任において行なわれなければいけません(免責条項参照)。
- いかなる薬剤も突然断薬することがないようにしてください。何らかの変更を検討する場合は、常にあなたの処方医に相談して下さい。


What are benzos for again?

The only time I’ve ever needed to visit a psychologist in my life was AFTER (wrongfully) being prescribed benzodiazepines…

It seems the truths about the potential dangers of benzodiazepines are slowly coming out but with so many cases of prescription dependency worldwide there is clearly a long way to go.
Also, in my experience it appears as if dependency to prescription drugs leans toward a subject of taboo – almost as if society is succumbing to it.
However, is keeping these problems locked up in the closet going to help anyone or change anything?
At first it was difficult sharing my case and story online because it necessitated disclosing personal information, however, I felt the need to come out and help raise awareness outweighed this…
Seems people are all saying the same things over and over…

- I was like a zombie
- It felt like I was in hell
- It was much harder to come off benzodiazepines than anything else I'd ever had before
- It took a chunk of my life away
- It has destroyed my life
- The doctor never told me they were addictive / The doctor told me they weren’t addictive
- When I complained my condition was worsening the doctor prescribed me more...

Each one of us has a different experience of withdrawal.
The duration and degree of intensity can vary depending on the individual and there are many reasons for this.
Throughout this entire ordeal, I came to realize the importance of “Balance”.

As pressing as the court deadlines were and as demanding as the case was, without maintaining a balance in life including rest, recreation, work, socializing, diet, sleep etc. it would have been impossible to sustain.
However, it was always a razor edge fine line between making progress and maintaining health and balance.
Subsequently, it took a lot of skill and adapting.
Did You Know?

たとえば、ある患者が睡眠作用に対する耐性は形成されるが、抗不安作用に対する耐性は形成されな い。あるいは、不安やストレスによるくつかの症状に対する耐性は形成されるが、その他の症状に対する耐性は形成されない。ベンゾジアゼピンの様々な作用に 対する耐性は、出現の早さも程度も様々です(アシュトンマニュアル参照)。
A doctor that took the time to listen…

Whilst residing in state housing in Nagano, as an evacuee from Fukushima, I consulted a local ENT about ear pain from overuse of earplugs.
As we got talking he learned of my situation with regards to being displaced by the 3/11 disaster and Fukushima nuclear accident.
As a result, he also learned that I was under some stress.
However, instead of labeling me with some fancy diagnostic term and prescribing me drugs, he sat down and we discussed possible solutions as to how to I might be able to relocate, get my job back, etc.
He did this after his surgery had closed over a cup of tea – what a great doctor and what a great guy!
