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Wayne Douglas 様
転院先で合う薬を探すということで、9ヶ月で20種類ほど試されました。昨年四月に「精神医療の真実 教えてください あなたの体験」というブログに出会うまで、薬害を知らなかったのです。現医師は、「この薬にそんな作用はありません」と否定しつつ、大学病院での電気ショック療法を勧めてきました。
Hi. I was reading your story and it nearly made me cry even though I am emotionally numb from benzodiazepines. I know how horrible and scary benzo withdraw is.
I am M from Nagasaki. I was on benzo for 10 years. First 2 years Doc put me benzo and paxil. 2 years later I stopped taking it and it caused me horrible symptoms but I didn't know it was withdrawal.
Docs misdiagnosed me and they put me 37 kinds of psych meds on and off in 10 years. I can't believe I am still alive because I was close to death many many times.
Now I am 7 months free from all meds and I still have very bad many symptoms. My brain is very foggy but I would love to do volunteer job for benzo victims if I can do something.
I really want to get back my life. I share your website on my face book wall. Thanks so much to the translators of the Ashton Manual including you for such a great job. I couldn't come off benzo without your work. I really appreciate you.
ダグラス 様
Despite being a trained journalist, media consumer and observer of social issues surrounding drug use and regulation, the benzodiazepines issue was one I knew little of until hearing of Wayne's case. The more I have learnt, the more I can appreciate how this situation needs greater attention worldwide and nowhere more so than in Japan.
As someone who has also lived in Japan for several years, I understand how challenging it is to do what Wayne has done, taking his case step by step to the highest court in a foreign land and language, despite understanding the flaws in a justice system that is weighted, like most, towards maintaining powers vested in the status quo.
As former resident of Fukushima prefecture, I understand the challenging circumstances faced by people like Wayne who were uprooted from previous homes and livelihoods as a result of the events of March 11, 2011.
Despite the challenges, by working with leading experts to get information to Japan and beyond, Wayne has never wavered from his goal of helping unlock information to help those undergoing or at risk of benzodiazepine addiction that he himself experienced.
By sharing his story he is putting a face to the issue, which helps to destigmatize those who are the victims, but can instead be seen as weak and undignified addicts, a great hindrance to revealing the true extent of the problem especially in a culture such as that in Japan.
I admire greatly Wayne's tenacious work ethic in face of great challenges for the goal of bringing the benzodiazepine issue to the limelight to help others and wish him and this website all the success in the world.
Most of all, I share his hope that others may be spared the trials of benzo addiction. If you do the same, I would heartily recommend a donation to this most worthy cause.
Wayne represents a David vs Goliath struggle that he has steadfastly endured over many years. His powers of endurance and the ability to get up off the canvas after numerous setbacks to the point where he is today is an example to us all. As a result of his leadership others are now coming forward to share their stories. I fully support Wayne and his endeavours to raise the profile of prescription addictions.
Hi Wayne,
I really appreciate your email. I'm currently involved in a lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline and there are few people in the world that understand what a David vs Goliath legal battle is like. You certainly do if you took on the medical establishment in Japan, particularly without having a firm grip on the language.
Your personal tragic story is INCREDIBLE and your website is AMAZING. I'll share it with others. Your story with expert insight/support from e.g., Professor Ashton is very powerful. Congratulations!!!
My family tragedy goes back to 2004 but I set up my website (www.davidcarmichael.com) in 2006 after I decided to break my silence while in the forensic psychiatric system in Canada. It was a risk into uncharted public education waters that I now consider well worth taking. I received an absolute discharge in 2009 and now work for Dr. David Healy.
In case you haven't seen it, here's the link to a 10 min version of a 2007 national television show that was prompted by an email that I sent to the media in 2006. It provides a good overview of my story.
Keep raising awareness. You're saving lives!!!
Yesterday's meeting was emotional to say the least. It was historic and amazing to have that many Benzo victims in one room. But, interestingly, five Harvard doctors show out to speak in favor of the drugs and didn't want the bill passed.
One said they were the safest drugs you can prescribe! You could hear people in the room gasping and crying based on what they were saying. One girl who was so injured had to leave the room so she couldn't hear what they were saying. But when she got up and spoke after them, there wasn't a dry eye.
I'm so emotionally and physically drained from yesterday. The Committee was really good. One Representative on the panel actually fired back at the doctors and said “three years ago doctors were in hear saying how safe the opioids were and now we know how unsafe they are. We will find out the truth about these drugs too.” She was great. She wasn't taking any of the BS.
Dear Wayne,
Your contact details have been passed to me by Professor David Healy. I have viewed your website and it is excellent. I count Professor Heather Ashton has a good friend and have worked with Heather for a good number of years now regarding prescribed benzodiazepine drug addiction. I have campaigned for the last 28 years after my doctor enforced addiction to Ativan in order to spread public awareness of the dangers that these particular set of drugs bring to the individual, family and society.
The link to our 23 minute video on You Tube filmed in December 2013 is below and please feel free to use it to do the most good. Between us we are fighting back against this man made epidemic of greed, negligence and human suffering caused by drugs which should have only been prescribed for 2 to 4 weeks only. (my case for 10 years ) and perpetuated by spineless global Governments.
Anything I can do to help Wayne just let me know and well done for fighting back against this injustice.
Kind Regards,
Chair, Oldham Tranx.
ダグラスさんもご存知のとおり、日本にはベンゾジアゼピン依存・離脱症状について理解があり、相談できる医師がいません。私は、孤独な戦いをつづけていて、つらいです。先日の新聞記事を読んで、ダグラスさんと情報のやりとりができればと思い、メールを出すことにしました。よろしくお願いいたします。埼玉県 XX
Hi Wayne,
I better introduce myself, I'm XX from Ireland, I live in Sapporo Japan. I read about your case today and immediately wanted to get in touch. There's some info about my own treatment I would like to share with you but I'm not sure if you will get this mail. I also have a few questions with regards your recovery and how you're progressing. Twice I've been hit by the medical system with benzos, for lengthy periods of time, I really feel like it's destroyed my life. Can you let me know if you get this? Thanks.
I am proud of you. This is a brave thing to do.
You are a brave person! Though I have not had any problems with benzos, they transformed my depressive daughter into a very violent and psychotic patient. Psychiatrists never acknowledged that 5 years on rivotril could make a person that ill. 3 years of withdrawal and suffering, but all psychotic symptoms are away now. In Mexico, my country they prescribe rivotril as candy, I´m trying to raise awareness through educating doctors.
God bless you!
Thank you so much for going to such lengths to help raise awareness and advocate for those of us suffering from this hell.
I am really proud of you taking such big action. I just looked through your HP and it amazed me by the clear structure with rich information. I was not familiar with Benzos but now I can see it from several aspects such as social and medical. As you may know, I am currently doing volunteer work at WHO and getting to know more about medical and public health issues.
I have been corresponding with Wayne. I think it's wonderful what he is doing. God bless him. Wayne, I shared this message from you with the benzo group. Thank you again for fighting for us that physically can't. God bless you!
“I am furious as a Japanese about our administration system has serious problems. We need to speak out!!”
Proud of you for speaking for us all. I believe I am somewhat rapidly coming out of this.
I'm proud
Oh KUDOS!!!!! Good for you, Wayne! I was just thinking about that same thing this morning, about the ridiculous stigma attached to benzo addiction!! The public needs to be made aware that it's no one's fault that they become addicted to this evil class of medication! I will absolutely go to your website! And let me know if I can help you in any way! Thank you so much for being our voice!
Thank you for your courageous efforts - awareness is so lacking and this must change. Peace
My sweet grandson saw his psych today. OMG, she wants to start him on Klonopin. He's only 14 suffers from ADD. This is the first time she has seen him, and out comes the script pad. He's already on 2 antidepressants. So very sad…
I lost my lawsuit. They blamed it all on me and the drugs did no harm at all. I will appeal.
Please pray for C. who has been getting worse and now vision, all words letters, everything has run together, terrified. I am not doing well could use prayer too, too sick to explain…
Great site! Love how you put it all together with all the helpful information. I went through benzo withdrawal after 10 years of being prescribed and then my doctor told me to go cold turkey and that it was fine to do. It took me two years to be able to go out of my house and do minor things around my yard. It took 3 years to feel somewhat normal. I'm on my 4th year now - and still have cognitive problems. I was novelist before and wrote and published my first book in 2009. I am no way near where I was with my writing ability. I wish there was some sort of way to get compensation for all the years lost along with wages. Let me tell you, cold turkey is literally hell on earth.
High five to you benzocase!
I can' t yet imagine a time when I would be able to fight the good fight let alone do so in a language and culture not my own.
An amazing effort.
“Benzodiazepines have been prescribed for 55 YEARS, not minutes, not days, not weeks, not even 55 months, 55 YEARS... 55 fucking years of death, destruction of lives and brain damage... And you're going to tell me that ‘they’ DO NOT KNOW what these drugs are capable of? You're fucking kidding me right???!!!
Once you understand that these drugs are the most vile, disgusting, abhorrent stench of Pharma to ever come from the depths of hell, and that the FDA (that's right, THE FUCKING FDA) states that these drugs, are SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, you begin to slowly understand the depravity and insidiousness with which our government agencies conduct themselves...
There are literally thousands upon thousands of people on FB ALONE, desperately trying to taper these drugs, MILLIONS worldwide at any given time, with little to no help from our trusted ‘medical professionals’ who were very very quick to pass them out, but few have any clue about safe tapering protocols, and what can happen to people if these drugs are prescribed over any length of time...
It’s beyond disgusting, and more disturbing than you can possibly imagine, to first, be legally poisoned by your doctor, take YEARS (in my case) to figure out you’re in serious drug withdrawal bc NO DOCTOR EVER tells you that, spend YEARS tapering, and THEN see that this is happening to MILLIONS of others, yet NO ONE talks about this, NO ONE knows this is going on?????? For 55 FUCKING YEARS?!?!?! So, then I asked myself... ‘If they can get away with this, WTF else is going on???’ FTS... I'm moving to Mars...”



オールダムクロニクルOldham Chronicle (2004年2月12日)

薬という神話 (1992)

ジェレミー・ローランス (ジャーナリスト)
インディペンデント紙 (2002年4月17日)

医学専門誌"New England Journal of Medicine"元編集長

BBC Radio 4, Face The Facts

Good Housekeeping (2003年)



It seems the truths about the potential dangers of benzodiazepines are slowly coming out but with so many cases of prescription dependency worldwide there is clearly a long way to go.
Also, in my experience it appears as if dependency to prescription drugs leans toward a subject of taboo – almost as if society is succumbing to it.
However, is keeping these problems locked up in the closet going to help anyone or change anything?
At first it was difficult sharing my case and story online because it necessitated disclosing personal information, however, I felt the need to come out and help raise awareness outweighed this…
