動 画

Brilliant animated clip
Brilliant animated clip highlighting the ignorance and lack of knowledge shown among many doctors when it comes to problems with prescription psychotropic drugs, especially benzodiazepines.
Although benzodiazepines are commonly prescribed for anxiety etc. overprescribing from ill-informed doctors can result in a gateway to drug abuse creating yet another problem for both individuals and society as portrayed in this animated clip “Wobbly Stan”.
No doubt the name “Wobbly Stan” came from the fact that benzodiazepines cause dizziness and staggering. There is also a downloadable comic version.
スティーヴィー・ニックス: “嘘をついて”(Little Lies)
医師: ベンゾジアゼピンを飲めば気分が落ち着くから、もうコカインに戻ることもないよ。

「クロノピンは私をゾンビにした」(スティーヴィー・ニックス, US Weekly, 2001)
Seems people are all saying the same things over and over…

- I was like a zombie
- It felt like I was in hell
- It was much harder to come off benzodiazepines than anything else I'd ever had before
- It took a chunk of my life away
- It has destroyed my life
- The doctor never told me they were addictive / The doctor told me they weren’t addictive
- When I complained my condition was worsening the doctor prescribed me more...