


裁判所、裁判官という言葉から、あなたは、どんなイメージを思い浮かべられるのだろうか? ごく普通の一般市民であれば、おそらく、少し冷たいけれども公正、中立、廉直、優秀な裁判官、杓子定規で融通はきかないとしても、誠実で、筋は通すし、出世などにはこだわらない人々を考え、また、そのような裁判官によって行われる裁判についても、同様に、やや市民感覚とずれるところはあるにしても、おおむね正しく、信頼できるものであると考えているのではないだろうか?
しかし、残念ながら、おそらく、日本の裁判所と裁判官の実態は、そのようなものではない。前記のような国民、市民の期待に大筋応えられる裁判官は、今日ではむしろ少数派、マイノリティーとなっており、また、その割合も、少しずつ減少 しつつあるからだ。
そして、そのような少数派、良識派の裁判官が裁判所組織の上層部に昇ってイニシアティヴを発揮する可能性も、ほとんど全くない。近年、 最高裁幹部による、裁判官の思想統制「支配、統制」が徹底し、リベラルな良識派まで排除されつつある。
One Woman's Triumph and Fight for Change
By Joan Gadsby
January 1, 2005

In 1966, Joan Gadsby's four-year-old son died of a brain tumour. In response, her trusted family physician prescribed a “chemical cocktail” of tranquilizers, sleeping pills and anti-depressants - an act that initiated Gadsby's slow descent into an abyss of unrecognized addiction.
Gadsby has emerged from her addiction to become a tireless advocate for systematic change and accountability in the area of prescribed sedative/hypnotic drugs. She has interviewed thousands - from consumers to doctors to pharmaceutical representatives and government officials as she conducted extensive international research - in her quest to expose the shocking truth of the depth and breadth of addiction by prescription which affects hundreds of thousands of men and women worldwide.
The Word’s Most Difficult Addiction Problem
By E. Robert Mercer

The most pervasive drug problem in the world is not heroin, not crack, not crystal meth, not pot, not any of the illicit drugs. Combined with the brutal nature of its addiction and the time and difficulty involved in withdrawing, a legal classification of drugs is by far the worst. Given their legal status and widespread use, benzodiazepines are secretly taking away the lives of Americans and people in other western cultures as we increasingly turn to pills to heal us. Commonly known as tranquillizers, the effects of these highly addictive prescription drugs are ghastly. Withdrawing from them can be extraordinarily difficult, far beyond description. This is the true story of one man’s journey through dozens of relentless, horrific withdrawal symptoms to renewed health. These drugs are worse than heroin.
How And Why To Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications
By M.D. Peter Breggin, M.D. and David Cohen, Ph.D.

Well over ten million Americans are prescribed a psychiatric medication annually, for symptoms as varied as headache and insomnia to depression and various psychiatric disorders. Unbelievably, many of these drugs have not been formally tested to treat the problems for which they have been prescribed. Scientifically documenting the need for an end to this vicious cycle of inadequate approval, mis-medication, and irresponsible inattention to adverse side effects, Breggin and Cohen advocate compassionate and non-toxic therapies, and offer readers a roadmap for sensible, safe withdrawal from psychiatric drugs.Whether the drug is a sleeping pill, tranquilizer, stimulant, antidepressant, mood stabilizer, or antipsychotic, Your Drug May Be Your Problem reveals its documented withdrawal symptoms, demonstrating what many doctors don’t know, understand, or consider: withdrawal symptoms often mimic the symptoms for which a person has been medicated in the first place, a fact that frequently prompts doctors to mistakenly re-medicate their patients at even higher doses. Armed with this essential background information, readers will then be able to choose for themselves when and how to withdraw from psychiatric drugs. Groundbreaking and empowering, Your Drug May Be Your Problem offers readers what they have long sought—a medically and psychologically sound program for freeing themselves from psychiatric drugs, emphasizing throughout the importance for patients to keep control over the withdrawal process.
Overcoming Anxiety Without Tranquilizers
By Edward H. Drummond, M.D.
November 1, 1998

Valium. Atvian. Xanax. These benzodiapezines or “benzos” are among the most routinely prescribed medications in our society, used to treat chronic anxiety in millions of people. But these drugs can actually prolong and aggravate anxiety, causing individuals to postpone dealing with core problems and to increasingly rely on addictive medication with extremely debilitating effects. Of the more than 30 million people who take these drugs, more than four million are addicted. Dr. Edward H. Drummond offers hope with a revolutionary program for overcoming chronic anxiety without the use of tranquilizers. His approach flies in the face of established practices, particularly at a time when health care programs offer dwindling support for psychotherapy, preferring the cheaper course of having patients medicate themselves. Certain to inspire controversy, Benzo Blues is the work of a visionary author out to challenge the medical establishment. Its publication will be greeted with enormous interest by the millions of people affected by these powerful drugs, all of whom will find a new way of dealing with a lifelong problem.
By S.K. Torma

Some people say that heroin is the worst drug in the world. Thankfully, they haven’t met Mr. Benzodiazepine. If they ever had the misfortune of meeting him, they would surely change their mind. When you open this book, you will step into a world of “Benzo Hell” caused by Xanax and her sisters. May God bring you back from these pages of a fiery “prescription drug” inferno: mentally sane and physically intact.
“Heartrending...” Professor C. Heather Ashton, DM, FRCP
“A gripping and emotional read...” Ross JM, the Trap Forums Admin


It seems the truths about the potential dangers of benzodiazepines are slowly coming out but with so many cases of prescription dependency worldwide there is clearly a long way to go.
Also, in my experience it appears as if dependency to prescription drugs leans toward a subject of taboo – almost as if society is succumbing to it.
However, is keeping these problems locked up in the closet going to help anyone or change anything?
At first it was difficult sharing my case and story online because it necessitated disclosing personal information, however, I felt the need to come out and help raise awareness outweighed this…
What are benzos for again?

The only time I’ve ever needed to visit a psychologist in my life was AFTER (wrongfully) being prescribed benzodiazepines…
I went from being barely able to walk when I was on benzodiazepines to being able to squat 180kgs following abstinence and rehabilitation.



Throughout this entire ordeal, I came to realize the importance of “Balance”.

As pressing as the court deadlines were and as demanding as the case was, without maintaining a balance in life including rest, recreation, work, socializing, diet, sleep etc. it would have been impossible to sustain.
However, it was always a razor edge fine line between making progress and maintaining health and balance.
Subsequently, it took a lot of skill and adapting.
Cause for Alarm!

Consider this extract from:
A Review of David Healy's “The Psycho-pharmacologists III” by Professor Heather Ashton
How is it that the pharmaceutical industry has come to dominate the field?
Healy points out that drug companies “are now not simply confined to finding drugs for diseases. They have the power to all but find diseases to suit the drugs they have”.
Pierre Simon (Sanofi Pharmaceuticals) remarks: “In the beginning the pharmaceutical industry was run by chemists.
This was not so bad... Now most of them are run by people with MBAs... people who could be the chief executive of Renault, Volvo or anything.
They don't know anything about drugs.” The problem comes when a chemist presents an interesting drug to the financial analyst, who asks: “What is the market?”
The chemist has to decide for what indication the drug will be developed. If the indication is not there, it must be created.
