Useful Links

- Houses extensive information and literature from experts (incl. Prof Ashton) and people in the know
- Dr. David Healy: Psychiatrist, psycho-pharmacologist, scientist and author. His website objectively highlights many problems relating to psychotropic drugs from an expert's point of view.
- Rxisk: This website states: Drug side effects are now a leading cause of death, disability, and illness. Experts estimate that only 1–10% of “serious” adverse events (those causing hospitalization, disability, or death) are ever reported. You've been given a megaphone to tell your story and help change drug safety. Make your voice heard by reporting prescription drug side effects.
- SSRI Stories: A collection of over 6,000 stories that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals) in which prescription drugs were mentioned and in which the drugs may be linked to a variety of adverse outcomes including violence.
- All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence: This APPG’s mission is to address the growing problem of prescribed drug dependence (PDD).
- Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry: CEP exists to communicate evidence of the potentially harmful effects of psychiatric drugs to the people and institutions in the UK that can make a difference.
- DIPEx International: DIPEx International has been founded to promote the spread worldwide of well researched data on people’s personal experiences of illness and health for the benefit of patients, professionals (both clinical and academic), health services, health care providers and carers.
- healthtalkonline: Find information on a range of illnesses and other health-related issues from seeing and hearing people's real life experiences.
- Take Justice Back: For too long, access to justice and accountability though our courts has been under attack by powerful corporate interests. Take Justice Back is a grassroots campaign to restore accountability, promote safety and ensure access to justice.
- Medical Solicitors: Specialist medical solicitors for medical negligence claims in the UK.
- Addiction Dependency Solutions: UK drug and alcohol charity operating throughout the North and the Midlands
- AntiDepAware: Promoting awareness of the dangers of antidepressants.
- PharmaWatch Canada: Direct consumer reporting of adverse reactions to prescription medicine.
- Beyond Meds: BEYOND MEDS — ALTERNATIVES TO PSYCHIATRY — A RESOURCE. Also deals with wider issues in the socio/political and spiritual realms as they pertain to mental health and human rights issues surrounding psychiatry.
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- Tranx Services Incorporated, New Zealand: TRANX is a certified non-profit organisation based in Auckland, New Zealand. We are a community based alcohol and other drug treatment service that specialises primarily in benzodiazepines (benzo) addiction/dependence. PO Box 68-701, Newton, Auckland, NZ. Telephone (09) 356-7305. Fax (09) 356-7315. Email:
- PATIENTS’ RIGHTS ADVOCACY: Waikato Incorporated, 65 Tawa Street, Hamilton, New Zealand. Telephone (International): + 64 – 7 – 8435 837. Contact: Anna de Jonge. Email:
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- Med Check – The Informed Prescriber (In English): Rigorously Independent and reliable information for informed decision-making on treatment and healthcare.
- Medwatcher Japan: Medwatcher Japan is an NGO that was launched in 1997 to monitor and prevent drug-induced disasters. The organization is comprised of 20 members (pharmacists, attorneys, physicians, consumer advocates, a thalidomide victim, and a sociology professor).
- The Informed Prescriber (TIP): Contains a range of information about prescription drugs including psychotropics such as benzodiazepines.
- Check Your Medicine to Save Your Life: Contains a range of information about prescription drugs including psychotropics such as benzodiazepines.
- DIPEx Japan: 「健康と病いの語り」データベースは、病気の診断を受けた人やその家族が、同じような経験をした人たちの「語り」に触れて、病気と向き合う勇気と知恵を身につけるために作られたウェブサイトです。診断時の思いや治療法の選択、副作用の経験などが、映像や音声、テキストを通じて語られています。目の前にいる患者さんが何を思うのかを知るために、医療者の方々もぜひご覧ください。
- 断薬.com: このサイトは、減薬・断薬経験者の方々の記録を集める事を目的とした、PC・スマートフォン対応の断薬支援・ポータルサイトです。
- 精神科の真実: 精神科医療の欺瞞性と危険性を検証するサイトです。
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Even if your governments and medical systems may be failing you, and subsequently isolating you, you don’t have to suffer alone in the dark.
Benzodiazepine dependency / addiction can be one of the most hellish experiences a person can have, but despite the lack of support from your government and medical system, there are many others who understand what you are going through.
They are the many other countless people who have been suffering as a result of the incompetence and ignorance of their doctors, medical systems and government agencies. Many of these people share stories, information and encouragement via various forms of social media on the internet.
I have listed some of these below. You may find joining one of these groups to be beneficial.
- Benzodiazepine Recovery
- Beating Benzos
- Withdrawal (Benzo) Withdrawal Support Group
- Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
- Benzodiazepine tapering, withdrawal and recovery support group
- Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome from Benzodiazepines and Anti Depressants
- Benzodiazepine and Psych Drug Withdrawal Christian Support
- Friends and Family of Benzodiazepine (Benzo) Sufferers
- V.A.B. (Veterans Against Benzodiazepines)
- Benzodiazepine DANGERS
- Benzodiazepine Addiction and Awareness
- Benzodiazepine Awareness & Legal Action
- Friends Attending World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day
Information Sharing / Support
- Benzo Buddies: This is an incredibly informative and useful website where people can exchange valuable information, stories etc
- Surviving Antidepressants: Peer support for withdrawal syndrome
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Some parts of this website still have not been translated into Japanese. If anyone (native Japanese) would like to help on a volunteer basis, please contact mentioning the part you would like to translate. Thank you.